My Compassion Connection

Partnering with Take Heart +
Beth Moore - Lifeway's Living Proof Live - July 10-11
Connecting Participants with local churches & ministries

Are Things Most Valuable to You?

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Time? Money? Wealth? Things?

The value of what you own is based on the value that you choose to give it.Some have fallen into the idea that the more things they acquire or the more expensive the things they own the happier they will be…As this goes on, they are never pleased and never happy. Someone will always have something nicer, newer, and bigger than you and this turns into a competition that falls into a never-ending cycle that goes on and on. You will most likely never be on top, and never satisfied if you put material things first. It is said that some of the wealthiest people in the world are the most miserable… and vis versa. They have invested all of their time and money in things…. and am so worried about loosing these THINGS… that they are caught up in the never-ending cycle. Where as people who are satisfied with where they are and with what they already have; tend to be thankful and worry less about the THINGS in there life and Focus more on Living there Life…. The value of what you own is based on the value that you choose to give it.