My Compassion Connection

Partnering with Take Heart +
Beth Moore - Lifeway's Living Proof Live - July 10-11
Connecting Participants with local churches & ministries

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Stop worrying so much about what you’re trying to say, and just listen. Though it may seem strange, Listen carefully, lovingly, and attentively to the world around you. Listen to others and listen to life itself. Let go of what you expect to hear. Listen not only with your ears, but also with your heart.Pay attention to what life has to say to you. There is no end to the valuable lessons you can learn.When you think you know it all, you deny yourself the opportunity to learn. When you interact with others only to impress them with how much you know, they’ll soon understand that you know very little and look the other way.

The more you listen, observe and learn, the more powerfully you’ll be able to express yourself and your actions.